What is Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia?

primary ciliary dyskinesia research

PCD Research


Medical research charity, registered with the UK Charity’s Commission January 2022.

What is PCD

Inherited multi-system disorder that leads to repeated chest infections and worsening lung damage with time.

Need for PCD Research

Currently there are no treatments that have been shown to prevent or reduce permanent lung damage in PCD.

Why PCD Research

Only charity globally funding research towards a cure for PCD and calling for improved standards of care.

1 in 7,500

people have PCD

1 in 20

people are carriers for PCD


genes cause PCD

Donate today

Donate with JustGiving.

Your donation will help to make sure the world-class research taking place for those who so desperately need it continues.

If we act now, we can create a future where everyone who is born with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia is supported to live better or cured.




Over 50 genes cause PCD and this makes it harder to develop effective treatments.


Models of PCD

There is a global shortage of models of PCD. This makes research more difficult, especially when investigating if a treatment can get cilia moving.



Getting any new therapy deep inside the lungs, past the mucous, to the correct cells, will be challenging.



There is a lack of awareness about PCD. This impacts funding opportunities, and supports a false belief that PCD is mild. Children with PCD have worse lung function than those with cystic fibrosis.

pcd research


therapies that reduce or prevent permanent lung damage and decline


spent on respiratory research per person in the UK with chronic lung disease


raised by PCD Research since January 2022


Learn more about the vision and mission of PCD Research.

primary ciliary dyskinesia pcd research

Meet the families

PCD is associated with a huge burden of treatment and disease. Hear people’s stories first hand.

heidi bjornson czi pcd research


Meet our global, independent expert Scientific Advisory Panel of 30 experts who peer-review grant applications.

pcd standard of care

Standard of Care

PCD Research is calling for an improved standard of care, and evidence based treatment for PCD.

Information for Researchers

laboratory pcd research

Organisations we work with

association of medical research charities


PCD Research is a member of Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) recognising the processes we have put in place to ensure we are funding research of the highest standards.

nucleic acid therapeutic accelerator


PCD Research is working with NATA to fund a £250k two year research project aiming to progress the development of mRNA therapy for PCD.

genetic alliance

Genetic Alliance

PCD Research is a member of Genetic Alliance, to support work on rare disease including PCD.

pinsent masons primary ciliary dyskinesia pcd research

Pinsent Masons

Pinsent Masons represents PCD Research in a pro bono capacity.

primary ciliary dyskinesia pcd news and announcements

Latest news

Find out all the latest news and announcements about PCD, research, grants, clinical trials and more.

Recent Events

dr harriet holme lifearc rare disease pcd research

Founder and Chair of PCD Research, Dr Harriet Holme was invited to talk about the challenges of rare disease at the Lifearc Rare Disease Translational Challenge launch.

london landmarks half marathon

In April 2023, 16 people ran the London Landmarks Half Marathon in support of PCD Research, raising £6,000.

pcd research lifearc primary ciliary dyskinesia

Meet the trustees